Thursday 15 January 2015

i admire my mom

my mom  my mom  is the best their are only no other like my  my mom is the best at singing she loves music my mom has pretty blond hair and guys me throw a lot my mom is pretty and kind my mom has a hart for all and loves me no matter what  my mom their is know won like my mom.

Thursday 8 January 2015

on my brake ........

so i opened a box and the box was a box and i open and the box and it was a... a i pad mini!!!! it was so cool so as i got on i set it up and i put a lot of apps on their. so i paled new games  like subway  suffer

Thursday 11 December 2014

my techers funny thing

today my teacher said.........

it all stead when my teacher was reading a book it was a really good book but it was called wine diex and Opel dog was so funny but then she said punt butter.

Thursday 4 December 2014

The time I went to chigo😎😎
I could not bleabe that I was in chicog
It was so cool it was

Thursday 9 October 2014

 Miranda bad day

This is Miranda bad day treble bad day I was having a really bad day so i came in to choice hour it was all good in till it was time till